Creating invoices
Moyasar e-invoice is an additional service dedicated to providing online payment for websites and electronic systems with a structured and secure mechanism. This allows the merchants to create e-invoices through Moyasar’s dashboard or Moyasar’s API and to be sent or presented to customers manually or automatically.
In the Dashboard, you can:
- Create an invoice
- Add/Edit Amount, Description, Expire Date, and Metadata to invoices
Click here for the steps to create an invoice through the Dashboard.
Moyasar e-Invoices APIs enable merchants to generate invoices programmatically and integrate them with their online stores and backend systems.

Before you start integrating with Moyasar API, make sure you complete these steps:
- Sign up for a Moyasar test account at
Start by sending a request to Moyasar invoices and create an endpoint to create an invoice in your server.
You will need to specify the following required data to be included in the request:
Parameter | Description | Required |
amount | The amount should be in the smallest currency unit. Means, ( 100 Halals to charges 1 Riyal ) | YES |
currency | 3-letter ISO code for currency. (default: SAR) | NO |
description | An arbitrary string that you can attach to an invoice object. This may include a description of the merchandise or the service that your customer is billed for. The invoice description is displayed on the invoice alongside the amount when the invoice is presented to the user. | YES |
expired_at | Specifies when the invoice will get expired. An expired invoice cannot have payment attempts as its status will be expired. | NO |
success_url | An endpoint on your site, that we will redirect to after the customer pays successfully. | NO |
back_url | An endpoint on your site, that we will redirect to after the user clicks on the back button. | NO |
metadata | Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata. | NO |
Invoice Notification
Invoices support asynchronous notification callback when the status changes from initiated to paid upon the customer's successful payment.
To enable notifications for an invoice, you’d provide:
Parameter | Description |
callback_url | An endpoint on your server, for receiving notifications about paid invoices. (e.g. https://yourdomain/some-endpoint) |
For more technical details about Moyasar invoices API, please refer to our API
Then we will give you a link to the invoice on our website, you can send that link to the user or redirect him to the invoice page, then we will handle the payment form and validations.