Payment Status Reference
Status | Description |
initiated | First status of a payment. It indicates that the payment has been created but the cardholder did not pay yet. |
paid | Payment reaches this status when the cardholder pays successfully. |
failed | Payment reaches this status when the cardholder or merchant has a certain error that caused the payment to fail (errors are attached to the message attribute). |
authorized | Payment reaches this status when the merchant authorizes it to be manually captured anytime later— the cardholder is not charged yet. |
captured | Payment reaches this status when the cardholder of an authorized payment is charged successfully. |
refunded | Payment reaches this status when the merchant refunds a paid or captured payment successfully. |
voided | Payment reaches this status when the merchant cancels a paid, authorized, or captured payment. It works only if the amount is not settled yet in the merchant’s bank account. |
verified | Payment reaches this status when the cardholder verifies his card in the tokenization process |